We are LGBTQ+ Youth in Care

We are fully committed to the genuine acceptance of difference, and of the right for everyone to be who they are and who they wish to be.

We pioneer excellence on behalf of LGBTQ+ care experienced young people and strive to develop an ethos of tolerance, understanding and inclusive practice across all agencies working with looked after children and care leavers nationwide.

Our initiatives focus on impactful tools, resources, networking and actions that make a difference.

We are committed to sharing best practice with local authorities, schools and other children’s organisations, as we ourselves are open to learning from others. 

Who we are

Established in 2013 by a group of individuals working in the care system who found there were no resources specific to supporting LGBTQ+ youth in care. SInce then, a lot has changed - but there is still further to go.


Our mission

  1. To promote the inclusion of LGBTQI+ young people and care leavers

  2. To showcase best practice and share positive examples of great work so far

  3. To support practitioners have the knowledge, training and confidence to work with LGBTQ+ young people in care and care leavers

  4. To create a platform (this website) for services to access supportive and meaningful training and resources

  5. To use research informed practice to ensure every child and care leaver feels included and valued

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LGBTQ+ youth in care network

The LGBT youth in care network is a list of local authorities, care organisations, residential care providers, independent fostering agencies, supported accommodation providers who have committed their support to LGBTQ+ young people in care and care leavers. We are passionate about inclusion and firmly believe that all children and young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual & trans should be able to access the same care and resources as everyone else in a safe way without prejudice or feelings of rejection.


“What you do really could transform the life chances of someone who is trans and in care”

— Young person



Feel free to contact us with any questions.